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A resort city like no other, Cannes is not just for film festivals. This is where Europeans wintered before there were jets to whisk them off  to farther reaches such as the Caribbean or the Seychelles. Yet no other resort town can replace the city that was the first to make eager travelers smell champagne in the air, where the beach is theater with organization, service and great vistas, where you can recline on the shore with a bottle of Dom or Moet and not incite a second glance. Charming restaurants present reasonable prices, and even winter welcomes visitors with its spring-like climate, when you can walk along the Croisette in the morning and ski the Alps in the afternoon. Even if you're not a skiier, the picturesque villages of Provence are only minutes away. This is a year-round urban resort for the sophisticated traveler.

Activities Excursions Dining Nightlife  

Palm Beach Casino
pointe Croisette
Tel. +33 (0) 49.706.3690
Built on the ruins of medieval fort this casino is worth betting your money on.

Musee de la Castre
Le Suquet
Tel +33 (0) 49.338.5526
The museum holds archaeological and ethnographical artifacts from all over the world.

Gallerie Daniel Guidat
142, rue d'Antibes
tel. +33 (0) 49.394.3333
A contemporary glass art collection featuring paintings, mixed media and of course masterpieces made from glass.


rue Jean-Honore-Carle
Tel. +33 (0) 49.349.9552
This place truly feels like an oasis especially while dining on the back patio. All dishes are prepared with local produce and the fish are hand picked by the chef Stephane Raimbault. Heavenly deserts prepared by his brother Francois are to die for. Visit the above listed website for an excellent tour of the restaurant.

22, rue Saint-Antoine
Le Suquet
Tel. +33 (0) 49.339.1310
Hidden in the oldest part of Cannes is restaurant run by chef Noel Mantel.  Noel has a thing for risotto, so if you are crazy for this dish you'll be pleased with the choices he creates. Also, a must to try is the lobster ravioli and roast young rabbit with black olives. The ambience of the place is very pleasant and relaxed but attention to service is never forgotten.   

Cote Jardin
12, avenue Saint-Luis
Tel. +33 (0) 49.338.6028
A favorite of the locals. You can sit on the street level veranda, garden terrace or, for more privacy, upstairs in the Provencal dining room. One of the specialties is filet of red mullet prepared with butter-parsley sauce.

Le Moulin de Mougins
424, chemin du Moulin
Notre-Dame-deVie, Mougins
Tel. +33 (0) 49. 375.7824
Located only a short drive north from Cannes is the city of Mougins. There, in an old mill, you'll find this world-renowned restaurant. Chef Alain Llorca will surprise you with his innovative seafood cuisine. The wine list offers one of the best choices in Provance.

Le Baoli
Port Pierre-Canto
Tel. +33 (0) 49.343.0343
During the film festival this lounge is packed with celebrities. If you come any other time you can be assured you'll find the place just as full.

Le Lady Bird
115, avenue de Lerins
Tel. +33 (0) 49.343.2063

Guests are carefully selected at the door. You will find yourself at a maze of dark rooms full of beautiful people.