To provide credit card security and keep your personal information safe, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, the most widely used data encryption coding systems for secure e-commerce transactions. All of your information is encrypted (scrambled) prior to being sent over the Internet to our system. To protect your information once we receive it, we place it on systems behind secure firewalls, which are communication-management computers designed to keep information safe and inaccessible to other Internet users. If your browser doesn't accept the SSL technology, transactions will not be permitted.
At the time of checkout, to confirm that your connection is secure, look for a locked padlock icon or solid key icon at the bottom of your browser window. The letters "https" (rather than "http") in front of the URL address at the time of checkout also indicate that you are using a secure server.
In addition, consumer protection laws have been established to protect you against the unauthorized use of your credit card. In addition, federal laws limit your liability (responsibility) to $50.00 should someone steal your credit card and charge your credit card account. protects your privacy.
Your Personal Info does not automatically collect personal information
about you when you visit our site. We only collect information under the following
1. Site Traffic Information
In order to analyze site traffic and improve this site, we track the path our visitors
take when navigating the various pages of this site. This tracking does not reveal
anything to us about you personally, but it assists us in improving our site to
make your online experiences the best they can be.
2. Personal Information collects Personal Information from you under the following
The Personal Information we may collect from you includes, but is not limited to, your name, mailing address, shipping address, e-mail address, telephone number and credit card number.
We do not provide your Personal Information to third-parties. We may share the Personal Information within other businesses. We may use this information to offer you products, promotions and services that may be of interest to you.
3. Cookies
A "cookie" is a small text file that is stored on your hard drive when you use the
site. A cookie does not contain any personal information about you but does identify
your specific computer. When you return to, the cookie
associates your computer with the information we are storing at your request from
previous visits.
4. E-mail Newsletters
When you sign up for our newsletter or shop on, you will automatically
receive periodic e-mails from us about our latest sales events, products
or promotions. Each e-mail you receive from us will offer you the continuing opportunity
to cancel or "opt-out" of's e-mail list If you decide that
you would rather not receive promotional e-mails from us in the future, please send
an e-mail to [email protected] stating that you wish us to discontinue e-mail
messages to you.
5. Your Consent reserves the right to update or modify the Security and
Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. By using, you consent to this Security and Privacy Policy and
its updates and modifications, if any. For this reason, encourages
you to review the Security and Privacy Policy each time you visit this website.
If you have additional questions about Classic Travel's Privacy & Security Policy, contact us via e-mail at [email protected]